5 Coping Methods For Those Whose Health Is Suffering Due To Financial Woes

5 Coping Methods For Those Whose Health Is Suffering Due To Financial Woes

When you think of the usual list of things that are said to harm our health such as smoking, drinking excess alcohol, drug abuse, and overeating, you might find it unusual that finances could be added to that list. Whilst financial health is usually something that financial planners are most commonly employed to fix, a person’s physical and mental health can also be positively affected by financial planners.

Whilst a financial planner is obviously not medically qualified to treat physical or mental illnesses, the fact that they can drastically reduce the amount of pressure, stress, and anxiety a person is subjected to by removing financial worries from their mind, is not an insignificant contribution to that person recovering from their health issues.

Individuals can also take additional steps to enhance their health by utilising several coping methods relating to their finances and the negative impact financial worries can have on their health. If this is something that is a concern for you, read on and you will discover five of these coping methods.

Seek Support:

We have already mentioned one way of achieving this which is seeking a financial planner but there are other sources of help too relating to your situation including your bank, an accountant, or a debt advice centre who may all give you some resolutions to your financial issues.

Also, when we say “support” we do not just mean the financial type. If you are feeling depressed, suffering from anxiety issues, or even recognising some physical health issues as a result of your financial stress, you should seek medical advice or counselling as soon as possible.

Assess Your Finances:

One of the most effective ways of de-stressing a problem is to have as clear a picture of what the problem is as you can. Often a person becomes stressed over their finances, not due to lack of income, but because their head is in a spin trying to keep up with their income versus outgoings.

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